Conditional panels

The plot below will be not displayed when the slider value is less than 50.
show with app
function(input, output) {

  output$scatterPlot <- renderPlot({
    x <- rnorm(input$n)
    y <- rnorm(input$n)
    plot(x, y)


  titlePanel("Conditional panels"),

  column(4, wellPanel(
    sliderInput("n", "Number of points:",
                min = 10, max = 200, value = 50, step = 10)

    "The plot below will be not displayed when the slider value",
    "is less than 50.",

    # With the conditionalPanel, the condition is a JavaScript
    # expression. In these expressions, input values like
    # input$n are accessed with dots, as in input.n
    conditionalPanel("input.n >= 50",
      plotOutput("scatterPlot", height = 300)